"uh... hi."
"I'm... fine. can I... help you?"
In plenty of time this week, here is "Island" for Illustration Friday.

I'd say my obsession with Magnum P.I. is fairly healthy. I mostly love it so much because it reminds me of my childhood, and now, of sitting drawing watching endless episodes with my family.
So here we have Jesse the Majordomo, Billy Lampwick as the beefy helicopter pilot, Scooter the dog reflecting as the lads, little Phoebe the manager of the King Kamehameha club, and Bezeus, going without his glasses, as our man in the shorts. Going without his glasses, he's operating about as blind as Magnum usually does anyway.
I've also included the original scan, for comparison.

Pencils and Ink at House of Gerdes, Scan and P-Shop work at Oink.
Photos from Flickr and This place.
This is great; I love the little guy thumbing his nose!
Great stuff!
We are huge magnum PI fans as well! - I can hear the theme song now...
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